If Customers’ ability to place or cancel Orders, or Customers access to Tokenize APIs or the Web Interfaces, or the operation of Tokenize Xchange Order Books is adversely affected due to technical reasons or system errors, Tokenize Xchange may, in its discretion, take one or more of the following actions in respect of one or more Order Books;
Temporarily disable depositing or withdrawing Assets.
Cancel Open Orders.
Disable the ability to place new Orders (Cancel-Only Mode).
Disable sign-in.
Disable the Tokenize APIs.
Disable access to the Web Interface.
If access to Tokenize Xchange through the Web Interface is unavailable for 5 minutes or longer, Tokenize Xchange will move Tokenize Xchange to Cancel-Only Mode as soon as possible.
If Tokenize Xchange is in Cancel-only Mode, it will be restored to Full Trading Mode after access through the Web Interface becomes available for at least 5 minutes and Tokenize Xchange deems is it safe to restore Tokenize Xchange to Full Trading Mode.
Tokenize Xchange will notify Customers of the move to or from Cancel-Only Mode through an announcement on https://tokenizemalaysia.com/annoucement and through EDM to users community.
Expected turnaround time to manage error trades will be 72 hours